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Repeat Street has Closed

ABOUT US | Repeat Street, IL


Repeat Street Consignment:  Quality Used Items for your entire family and home


Meet the Owner of Repeat Street, IL:  Julie J.  She started the store in March of 2003 in Gurnee, IL (outside of Chicago, IL)  
Meet Julie, the fabulous mom, entrepreneur & owner of Repeat Street


Repeat Street consignment in Gurnee, IL opened in March of 2003. I like to joke with people that I opened my business out of laziness. I have always loved shopping for high quality clothes for myself and my kids. When I found myself a stay at home mom to three kids, I needed to save money, so I shopped at every resale and consignment shop I could find. I would not only buy clothes for my family, I would also sell some great finds on Ebay. After a while, I got tired of driving around so much to go to shops in other towns and felt that Ebay was too much work for me – so I decided to open my own consignment shop in Gurnee. I laugh now at how much more work it is than I ever thought it would be. But it’s so much more fun than I thought it would be, too.

I started the shop carrying only children’s clothes, toys and equipment. After over a year of prodding from my customers, I added women’s clothes and accessories, which now accounts for half the shop. Six years ago we expanded into the space next door and into the (small) furniture and home decor market. It’s been so much fun keeping up with all the trends, styles and latest designers. My life as a project manager seems a lifetime away.

Repeat Street consignment in Gurnee has truly been a family business since the beginning. When I opened the store, I brought Charlie, Sarah and Jessica with me to work every day. Over a decade later, they are all in school now, but I often put them to work in the store after school, on holidays and the weekends.

I have had so much fun at the store and have made wonderful friends of my consignors and customers. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us here at Repeat Street. Thank you for being a part of our lives.





 If you have any questions, click HERE.